PPI.bio Beta

Proteome-wide Prediction

Predict the pairwise interaction probability of a supplied protein against the entire proteome of a specified organism.

Enter an amino acid sequence below. When you click on "submit", it'll be queued for processing. Once processed, you'll be presented with a data table with all the pairwise interaction probabilities of your submitted amino acid sequence and proteins from the organism specified.

All models here are trained on a dataset of Homo sapiens protein-protein interactions from STRING-DB. The INTREPPPID model is particularly well-suited to the case of "cross-species" inference, whereby inferences are made on species other than that which it was trained on.

Interactions between the proteome of the selected organism and the amino acid sequence you specify below will be computed.
Which PPI inference model to use during the analysis. INTREPPPID is the newest model and recommend.
PPIs between the protein or peptide encoded by this amino acid sequence and the proteome of the organism specified above are computed.

Example: POLR2D